Današnji čas nas opominja in nam daje vedeti, da se še kako moramo boriti vsak dan
24. 10. 2024
Vprašanje Marjana Šarca na zaslišanju slovenske kandidatke za komisarko za širitev Marte Kos
7. 11. 2024
Današnji čas nas opominja in nam daje vedeti, da se še kako moramo boriti vsak dan
24. 10. 2024
Vprašanje Marjana Šarca na zaslišanju slovenske kandidatke za komisarko za širitev Marte Kos
7. 11. 2024

Vprašanje kandidatu za komisarja za transport in trajnostni turizem Apostolosu Tzitzikostasu o pomenu turizma za gospodarsko blaginjo EU

»Poudarjate pomen turizma za gospodarsko blaginjo Evropske unije. Omenili ste, da ste v času, ko ste bili guverner, svojo regijo uspešno promovirali kot najboljšo turistično destinacijo v Grčiji. Omenili ste tudi, da »mora EU ohraniti svoj položaj prve turistične destinacije na svetu.« Ali boste v času svojega mandata sodelovali z generalnim direktoratom za rast, da bi zagotovili preprečevanje nesorazmernih omejitev pri opravljanju turističnih storitev ob upoštevanju ustrezne sodne prakse Sodišča Evropske unije, kot je odločitev v zadevi Cali Apartments, in zakonodaje EU, in sicer direktive o storitvah?«

Hvala za vaše vprašanje. Najprej želim povedati, da sem resnično počaščen, da bom prvi komisar za turizem v zgodovini Evropske unije. In resnično se veselim sodelovanja z vami, TRAN odborom in delovno skupino, ki ste jo ustanovili, da bi zagotovili, da Evropska unija še naprej ostane prva turistična destinacija v svetu. Kot sem dejal, smo si skozi moje izkušnje guvernerja v zadnjih desetih letih veliko prizadevali na področju turizma. Menim, da moramo lokalne in regionalne oblasti preoblikovati v organizacije za upravljanje destinacij. Z drugimi besedami, ne le s tem, kako promovirati destinacijo, temveč tudi s tem, kako upravljati tokove turistov in vprašanja, kot ste jih prej izpostavili. Razumem tudi, da se turizem danes financira iz več različnih programov, kar lahko povzroča težave. V novem večletnem finančnem okviru moramo ne le zaprositi za ustrezna sredstva za turizem, ampak tudi poskrbeti za poenostavitev pravil in načina, kako lahko zainteresirane strani, podjetja in lokalne skupnosti pridobijo sredstva za turizem. Zato potrebujemo bolj ciljno usmerjen proračun. Govorimo o povečanju ozaveščenosti vpletenih ljudi. In resnično verjamem, da je povezava med prometom in turizmom zelo močna. Do konca tega mandata lahko resnično spodbujamo prizadevanja za trajnostni turistični sektor. Zato bom tudi predstavili strategijo EU za trajnostni turizem na področju turizma, ki bo temeljila na agendi EU do leta 2030.

»You stress the importance of tourism for the economic prosperity of the European Union. In your own Member State, during your tenure as Governor, you mentioned that you have successfully promoted your region as a top tourism destination of Greece. You also mention that “the EU must maintain its position as the number one tourist destination in the world”. During your mandate, will you work alongside DG Grow in order to ensure that disproportionate restrictions to the provision of touristic services will be avoided, taking into consideration the relevant case law of the European Court of Justice, such as the Cali Apartments decision, and EU legislation, namely the Services Directive?«

Thank you, prime minister, for your question. I want to say, first of all, that I’m really honored to be the first commissioner explicitly for tourism in the European Union’s history. And I’m really looking forward to working with you, the TRAN committee and the task force that you have created in order to make sure that we keep the European Union being the number one destination in the world. Having said that, indeed, through my experience as governor the last ten years, we have worked a lot on tourism. I believe that we need to transform the local and regional authorities in destination management organisations. In other words, not only dealing with how to promote a destination, but also in how to manage the flows, the incoming tourism and issues like the ones you raised earlier. I also understand that, tourism today has been funded by several different programs, and this can cause issues for the reasons you mentioned earlier. What we need to do in the new MFF, not only ask for adequate funding for tourism, but also to make sure that we simplify the rules and the way that stakeholders, SMEs and, local administrations can get a hold of the funding on tourism. So we need more targeted budget. We are talking about increasing the awareness of the people involved. And I really believe that the link between transport and tourism is very strong. And we can really promote the effort to have a sustainable tourism sector by the end of this mandate. This is why we will present the EU Sustainable Strategy for tourism, which will be based on the EU agenda 2030.
